On the 17 June 2014 two separate appeals by FCC Environment, against the refusal by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) to grant planning permission, were successfully upheld by an Inspector.
The appeals related to development at Sutton Courtenay Waste Management Park, specifically an application under Section 73 of the T&CPA 1990 to not comply with a number of conditions to which an existing Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) was permitted to operate, and separately the construction of a Waste Transfer Station (WTS) to handle 60,000tpa of non-hazardous waste and 200tpa of clinical waste.
The appeals were made following the refusal of planning permission by OCC on the 13 September 2013. The appeals were considered together at co-joined public hearing on the 22 May 2014.
Axis provided critical evidence on both planning matters and traffic and transportation. The Inspector concluded that, whilst there were many representations against the interlinked appeal proposals, the proposals demonstrably represent sustainable development that would be compliant with the development plan, and there are no issues that were raised which would outweigh these factors.
The appeals were upheld and costs were awarded against the Council.